Reviews of Christian Resources Listed at CBD-Search
Spirit Truth Ministries

"Fix your eyes on Jesus and be spirit led as opposed to 'purpose driven'"

This site declares it's hope very clearly, and then proceeds to lead the visitor through a story of scriptures explaining the importance of true worship, what 'truth' is, and that there will be many false teachers.

The story we are led through finally comes to it's climax with a quote from A. W. Tozer regarding 'soft' Christians.

The author then examines many 'styles', doctrines and methods popular in todays Christian churches, with very definite opinions and answers. You may or may not agree with everything this author says, but this site will certainly make you think, and as with anything else you hear or read, you can (must) test these 'truths' to see if they are indeed true.

The site spends some time justifying our right to judge individuals if we feel that those individuals have said or done something wrong. I felt a little let down by this, as I too have spent much time thinking and praying about what God most wants when it comes to the whole judging/loving issue. I therefore, of course, have my own strong views, but one point in particular shows my opinion in this matter. I think that it is easy to judge (and find guilty) those who are in the spotlight for specific incidents, even though we are all human and sin. Also, I know of great Christians who became Christians or/and were discipled by some of these 'big' (since been found guilty) people. In my personal opinion, we need to encourage and disciple all people, even the big names in Christianity. We are told that we should pray for our leaders. In a way, these 'big' names are our leaders as they are in the public foreground, and therefore are very much in line for attack and deception from Satan.

Apart from my obvious disappointment, mentioned above, I was impressed by this site and it's strong message. Many of you may find fault with specific points, or may disagree, but I was impressed by the spirit and the heart behind this ministry.

Yours as ever,

Monday, July 17, 2006


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