Reviews of Christian Resources Listed at CBD-Search
Warrior's Place
Why would a man dying of thirst not drink water? Maybe he has never tasted the salt that makes men thirst for the Living Water.  Why would a man with water withhold it from a thirsty man? Why would a man dying of thirst not drink water? Maybe he has never tasted the salt that makes men thirst for the Living Water.  Why would a man with water withhold it from a thirsty man?

What sort of Spiritual warrior, prayer and devil bashing website is this going to be? First impressions... First thoughts...

Nope! This is Warrior Richardson's personal website, showing his amazing art work. The description of his site, as listed at CBD-Search, says:

I use art to serve the "God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation." 2 Cor 5:18.

Warrior has been involved in a huge number of art projects, including various projects at detention centers, artist residencies, book illustrations, magazines & newspaper illustrations, comic strips and some art mural projects & gallery exhibitions

He began doing live caricatures in 1994, and is available for trade shows, conventions, parties and weddings.

His other acheivements include being a jazz saxophonist, columnist for the Louisiana Weekly, professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha's Black Studies Department, an economist at the Agency for International Development and a math teacher.

Enough about this man and his acheivements. You really have to visit his site to truly appreciate the skill of this man.

Caricatures, illustrations and comics are wonderfully prsented on the pages of this website; you will definately want to contact this man for your own personal illustration needs, or to produce a caricature from a photo of a loved one.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
A Day's Journey Christian Drama

Today, I would like to introduce you to this intriguing and fun looking website.

The A Day's Journey website advertises the services of Aaron Glaze and Philip Love, two students from Georgia USA. They are available, within Georgia, to perform relevant, entertaining and uncompromising drama, presenting the Biblical message in a fun and entertaining way, without compromising Biblical Truth for the sake of comedy or entertainment.

Although a small site, it is simply and effectively layed out, allowing you to obtain a good idea of what these two men can offer, and what their character is like. The site also includes a short video clip so that you can see an example of them in action.

You may not be from Georgia, USA, so there is no point in visiting this site! Right?


This site is well worth the 5 minutes that it will take to explore what these guys are upto. You might not be able to make use of them, but you certainly will not regret spending time at their site. You may even be revitalised by their spirit and charisma which oozes from the site.

But, Wait! There's more, as they say ....

They have also prepared a page of Christian related scripts that you are welcome to take for free. All they ask is that you tell them what you did with their script and how it all went. Why? Because they're just curious ;)

Friday, September 08, 2006